Apr 9, 2014

Members Voted to Rescind 2009 Addendum to Bylaws & Reactivate Association

We had a great turnout for Tuesday's meeting of the Sky View Acres Neighborhood Association! It was wonderful to see so many new faces and the positive energy was contagious.

Forty residents of Sky View Acres voted to rescind an Addendum to the Association's Bylaws that was put into place in 2009. At the time, the Addendum effectively put the Association on hold. Rescinding the Addendum allows us to "reactivate" the Association and to proceed with new activities, collecting dues and holding elections.

After the vote, we worked on prioritizing issues on which we should focus. Everyone attending had equal opportunity to communicate their concerns and we settled on 4 priorities of focus. The next step was to set up committees to start the work/research on each priority. The priorities are:

1. socializing/building community
2. crime/roads/speed/traffic
3. increasing property values
4. improving common areas & sewer lines

Committee chairs were selected to head each committee and members volunteered to sit on the committees. Each group will report back at a May meeting (to be scheduled).

If you're interested in participating on any of the committees, please let us know via email.